What herbs promote male potency without damage to health

The sexual relations occupy a large part of a man's life and are often the Basis for his harmonious existence with the world. Reduced potency in men can cause: impairment of the ability to work, in a bad mood, depression, decreased vitality, but also a main reason for the divorce of the spouses.


Many factors determine the degree of efficacy in the male population, including nutrition, physical activity, Smoking, presence of harmful habits (alcohol, drugs), mental health problems, and much more. In some situations it potency in men due to the use of hormonal drugs, antidepressants, or sedatives.

Men usually take care of their sexual health, since the availability of the full-fledged sexual acts increases the male Libido, eases various fears, uncertainty and other psychic complexes.

Healthy Men Herbal

  • Ginseng, the root of this plant to prepare extracts and infusions, tablets, and powder. Long-term treatment provides increased sexual activity, but also a one-time ingestion of about seven hours before the intimate contact significantly improved erection and increase your duration.

Effective herbs to increase the potency? Yes, and the German medicine is proven. Recipes of various infusions and decoctions are in Russia, China, Japan, India.

There are plants that immediately? No, it is a gradual process, the strict compliance with the recommendations and formulations.

As the name suggests herbs, it is for the fight against male diseases. The root of the plant has a stimulating effect, increases Libido and improves erections.

Before the folk remedies for increase of a potentiality is necessary to consult a doctor. If it is an Allergy, you need to use caution herbs taken, some of them can provoke an allergic reaction.

Balanoposthitis – inflammation of the glans and the skin preputial bag sex organ, men often. Causative agent of this disease, the disease-causing germs. For the treatment of diseases, all kinds of ointments and creams to apply.

Medicinal herbs

Why is this disease

The most common cause for the development of balanoposthitis, the neglect of the Hygiene of the external genitalia, as well as the Unger is to apply, and unprotected Sex. The disease also developed in contact with the glans of the Penis, staphylococci, yeasts, and other microbes.

Men suffering from Diabetes, hypovitaminosis and anaemia also have an increased risk for the development of a disease. Inflammation of the Penis and preputial bag with Herpes, scabies, Trichomoniasis, and other diseases.

In the case of the boys, balanoposthitis, of the external opening of the foreskin (phimosis) can develop as a result of the close.

What conditions are necessary for the treatment of Balanitis and balanoposthitis

Experts differentiate between Balanitis and balanoposthitis. When balanitis inflammatory process develops on the head of the Penis. In balanoposthitis, the head of the Penis and the skin of the foreskin is inflamed.

In the local therapy of the doctor, and the necessary conditions of the patient, in order for a successful recovery:

  • careful Hygiene of the head and the foreskin. Without this it is impossible to achieve the desired result;
  • the elimination of the pathogens with the help of specific medicines;
  • the combination of local therapy with anti-viral and anti-microbial components. The list of required medicines is compiled individually for each patient.

Before you begin the search for recipes of traditional medicine, you should carefully consider herbs to increase the potency, their properties and functions.

Causes of reduced potency in men and treatment

To resolve the problem in men far sage widespread. In the course, there is the tips with buds, shoots and leaves:

  1. Sage, you must be in a lot of two large spoons (used the leaves of the plant), and pour a glass of boiling water, then bring to readiness in a water bath for about a quarter of an hour. You take in the filtered and cooled.
  2. Grass in a lot of a tablespoon of boiling water poured (200 ml) and insist in a thermos for about half an hour. The dose in three divided doses.
  3. Helps to home in the case of premature ejaculation bath with such herbs as sage, thyme, chamomile and Calendula. For the preparation you must use all ingredients in equal parts, pour boiling water and insist, forty minutes.

Herbal medicine since ancient times widely used in the treatment of various diseases. Prostatitis and bph go in their number. Herbs are not bad drugs and better by the body are absorbed.The benefits of phytotherapy.


The benefits of phytotherapy

In order to estimate the appropriateness of the use of herbs for increased potency, the value of all the benefits of home therapy.

How to improve potency in men with the help of natural remedies

Before starting the treatment, requires to reconsider a way of life, to abandon bad habits. To eliminate necessary, negative factor, as the beginning of the development of the disease. To do this, you must know that can be a cause of lowering of potency:

  • Alcohol affects the male force. Alcoholic beverages have a strong influence on the sexual sphere. Regular intake of alcohol leads to a loss of sexual ability to act. So, to get rid of the Problem, you need to stop the habit, if available.
  • Smoking is the cause of many diseases, it has an effect on the potency. In the modern cigarette, many chemicals used to improve the flavor, the effect, and so on. In addition, in cigarettes toxic resin containing, on the production of male hormones. To get rid of the negative effects of Smoking, it is better to separate this bad habit.
  • Wrong diet, namely the use of fats and fried foods has a negative effect on potency. In fried foods related to exposure to carcinogens contains the male force. Plant food, dairy products should regularly be present in the men's menu.
  • Stress, nervous disorders, depressive States complicate the Problem of potency. You need to Stress, learn to cope productively to produce, with problems and difficulties.

Only through all these problems, one can start the treatment.

But it is necessary to understand that impotence may develop under the influence of certain chronic diseases, such as:

  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Atherosclerosis and vascular diseases;
  • Parkinson's Disease;
  • inflammatory diseases of the prostate, bladder, testicles.

In the presence of such problems, to cope with the means of traditional medicine. Necessary drug treatment, which aims at the elimination of the basic causes.

Strengthening of the male body, increasing the production of testosterone is through the prudent application of St. John's wort. Prepare 10 G of grass, pour a glass of boiling water. Take you need to the drug, a third of a Cup per day.

Tea for potency

As I prepare for the application of natural remedies for potentiality increase

So, what rules must be complied with, to the herbs to increase the potency in men, were as effective as possible, and were side effects?

  • Treatment of herbs effective only after the exact determination of the causes of the decrease in potency.
  • When deciding which grass is best to apply, do not listen to the advice of friends, and always you have any questions about this topic with a professional.
  • In certain diseases, a positive effect of a comprehensive treatment has to be combined, in the treatment of herbs with the implementation of the medical treatment and Physio treatments.
  • A positive result of the treatment of herbs are visible only after a long time of the application, allowing for the fact that a day of the ingestion of herbal Infusion is not a magical effect.
  • During the course of therapy, no alcohol and herbs to drink, you need to smoke less and stick to simple dietary food.

The treatment of the grsern the doctor has to prescribe to the examination of the patient, the exact diagnosis of the injury, the study of medical history. Specialist selects herbs, in view of the contraindications and their combination with medication applied, determines the duration of the course.

Fees and herbal

A similar way, the Tibetan monks treated the men in the fifth century before our era. Cooking is not difficult, the main thing is to stick to the dosage recommendations.

Another means to enhance the male erection and does not require long manipulations.

It is difficult to overestimate how important it is for men with normal potency. The problems of the "male part" is often the cause of insecurity in themselves and their abilities, the feeling of fullness of life, in the nervous system of developing other serious diseases.

Modern medicine offers a variety of solutions in the case of the violation of the erectile function, but it consists mainly in the use of drugs, the side effects.

However, to try before the use of pharmaceutical drugs sense, natural remedies will be used. For example, many people know what helps good Ginseng tincture the potency. What else herbs to increase male power?

Herbs for the potency of you can individually. But much more effective, if you exceed the fees and according to the recommendations. Which plants can improve the male force?

On the basis of the above-listed remedies can effective medicines are made to improve the potency.

Medicinal plants


Folk remedies for the improvement of the potency contain herbal treatments. With the help of well-selected herbs improve potency quickly.

The male force in the majority of cases is reduced due to inflammation or circulatory disorders. Medicinal herbs help to solve this Problem.

With their help, you can the blood circulation, regulate the blood vessels, extend the inflammation to reduce. The ingredients for the manufacture of drugs should only be acquire in the pharmacy, should not healing herbs to buy on the spontaneous markets.

The Nettle. Improves metabolism and stimulates the urogenital function. For the preparation of the medicines you take 100 grams of chopped herbs pour 300 ml of boiling water. The ready means to take three times a day before meals.

The crushed ginseng root 0,5 El. L.;Honey – 2 Tbsp. L. the drug orally 4 times a day a teaspoonful to a dose.


Herbs to increase potency in men Instant Action is not available, start the work only under the condition of a longer moderate use.

An excellent agent is the collection of mint, nettle and St. John's wort. A large tablespoon of the mixture pour a Liter of boiling water, 30 minutes, strain, in several parts, and in the course of the day.

Well, not only the grass of a nettle, but also its seeds helps. In the treatment of erectile dysfunction seeds brewed as a tea, it is enough to pour the seeds in a Cup tablespoons, pour water and drink a half an hour.

The perfect way, the male force, the consumption of seeds of the nettle with red wine and bee honey. Mix the ingredients in an equal ratio. In addition, in the case of men, the immunity, increases the blood cleanses, Prostatitis goes.

Black cumin

Against impotence home black use cumin:

  1. the seeds are grind with the help of coffee grinders;
  2. You can measure a teaspoon;
  3. Pour a tablespoon of olive oil.

The course of treatment is 1 month. In a similar dosage, black cumin seed along with chicken eggs, this is best done before Breakfast.

Perfect against a reduced potency oil of the plant works. Take 25 drops, add a tablespoon of honey, take you within six weeks, three times a day.


Increase sex drive helps the rhizome galangal. The plant is distinguished by the ability to improve heart function, reduce the effects of stress situations. The plant mixed with other herbs for impotence.

Raw material and cook about 20 minutes on low heat, insist 2 hours. Taking recommended, three times a day. Standard dosage two large spoon for 15 minutes before eating.

Ginseng root

Application of the root of galangal is undesirable at a high temperature of the body, cold diseases, infectious processes in the body. A further limitation of the predisposition to the formation of thrombi is.

Ginseng root

Tibetan or Altaic Ginseng is regarded as an excellent natural aphrodisiac, it is part of a series of supplements against impotence and other sexual disorders. In the complex there is a whole complex of essential oils, tannins, improves the blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

The plant heals the symptoms of a weak potency, increases the tone of the body, good for the duration of sexual intercourse.

Dried Ginseng mixed with vodka, insist 3 days, take 25 drops 30 minutes before meals. The medicine course is suitable for applications, in this case, you drink 15 drops three times per day for three months.

According to the statistics, the Problem of erectile dysfunction is in men over the years, "disciples", that is, if earlier the male Libido today, this collides increasingly young people decreased in advanced age. The folk medicine and the use of herbs for the disposal of low Libido lead to a common goal — to eradicate the reasons for this phenomenon and its consequences.